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      Uncategorized Posts

      Parenting Philosophies – Redirecting Behavior

      November 22nd, 2021
      Let’s evaluate another common idea about parenting and see if it aligns with the word of God. It is popular to redirect a child’s undesirable behavior to something acceptable, either before they engage in the wrong act, or after, but without…

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      Confused About Parenting?

      October 26th, 2021
      What do the experts say? When I hear young Christian parents talk about parenting, there seems to be an underlying sense of confusion. Their ideas are often a hodgepodge of reactions to their childhood, what they studied in college, what their…

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      More Mary, Less Martha – a different view

      October 14th, 2021
      I am always convicted by the story in Luke 10 of sisters Mary and Martha and the common comparison between them. However, there’s another Mary comparison that I’d like to explore. Let’s Examine Mary, the Mother of Jesus. As a…

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      Assignment #3 – Following Instructions

      March 24th, 2019
      I’m actually working the equation backwards with these assignments. Ideally the first thing you would begin teaching your children is to obey you immediately, but I figure that lots of you already have children who aren’t very pleasant to be…

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      Assignment #2 – Who’s in charge around here?

      February 6th, 2019
      Assignment #2 My hope is that you are seeing a little fruit from teaching your children how to calmly and politely get your attention from Assignment #1. That fruit should be in the form of a slightly more peaceful home environment as the kids…

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      Need homework help?

      December 7th, 2018
      So how are you doing with Assignment #1, teaching your children how to be pleasant and effective in getting your attention? I hope you’ve been practicing and finding some success. That’s not to say that after a short while you can expect that…

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      Step One

      November 21st, 2018
      Last time I wrote about getting a vision for a home filled with a calm, peaceful spirit, and after the response I got from many of you, I know you want a bit more information about how to achieve this mythical peaceful home with kids!  Let me just…

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      May I make a suggestion?

      November 8th, 2018
      I’ve encouraged you to consider goals for your family, to think about what you want to see in the lives of your children when they leave your home. Hopefully it’s something beyond ‘get a college degree in a field that pays well and has a good…

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      Kids – enjoy them or endure them?

      October 11th, 2017
      I wonder if perhaps popular culture has so permeated our thinking that we no longer have clear ideas about Biblical truth addressing areas of life…like why children disobey. So the other day a young mom watched her son blatantly disobey her,…

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      Get a dream for your family!

      December 9th, 2016
      Hello everyone! Thank you for visiting my new blog.  It’s a work in progress, just like me and my family. I feel honored that you have chosen to allow me to participate with you in a small way in your life’s journey. I’ve recently met some of…

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