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The Transformed Family

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      Family Legacy Conference

      Rise above the commonplace idea that “everyone is like this” and dare to dream of a family life that is different. Learn how to create a map to end up somewhere – on purpose! Don’t settle. Get busy. Your family is waiting. For such a time as this!

      As the couple behind Family Legacy Conferences, we are passionate about family life. For almost 40 years, we made choices that moved us in the direction of our vision. We share simple, Biblically-based principles that work.

      Family Legacy Conference

      Date: TBD

      Our most recent Family Legacy Conference in February 2023 was a life-changing experience! Keep checking in to stay up to date on our next conference.

      For more information, please email:



      Headship in the family means leadership of the family. Leadership is best described with one word, ‘influence.’ As the head of the family, the husband’s leadership will either be a positive or a negative influence on his wife and kids. Every man wants to be an effective head of his family, but few even know what it is supposed to look like. Explore leadership for the ‘common man’ – how this plays out in the real world, with jobs, kids, commitments, etc. Learn how to inspire and direct your family toward a common goal.

      Before we can set a course for somewhere, we need to know where we are, as well as where we’re going. In the case of creating a vision for your family, you may not know where you want to go. Evaluating your present situation can add some insight into things you might like to change, and inspire you to imagine what could be different. Step by step, begin to create a vision with the Family Vision Workbook – a map to end up somewhere – on purpose!

      You love your spouse, but are you certain that they feel it beyond a shadow of a doubt? Effectively loving the most important people in our lives is vital. The problem is, how do we know that we’re being effective? Learn two important keys to showing love to those who matter most. When you love your spouse well, you love and lead your family well!

      If you can’t get your children to obey you without a fuss or a fight, it is going to be practically impossible to successfully disciple them. A peaceful, happy home environment results when they do what we’ve asked without whining, complaining, pouting, or otherwise making everyone around them miserable. Learn specific practices for training your children to cheerfully obey, and move from enduring your family to enjoying your family.

      Optional Bonus Session – Q & A Stump the veteran married couple!

      Bring the Family Legacy Conference to you!

      Churches, community groups, homeschool organizations – we’d love to serve your families by bringing The Family Legacy Conference to you. Let us bring the message, and you provide what you already have – the need and the location.

      Give us a shout and let’s think about how to bring this inspiring and hopeful message to your families.

      Meet Chris and Bev

      As the couple behind Family Legacy Conferences, we are passionate about family life. For almost 40 years, we made choices that moved us in the direction of our vision. We share simple, Biblically based principles that work.”